Curate, Catalyse, Cultivate
We are a space to reflect on our pasts, engage with our presents, and imagine and create the many futures that are possible for us – locally, nationally, and internationally.
Within and beyond our shifting Indian context, we wish to evolve and celebrate a diversity of perspectives and experiences.
Explore our programmes for 2024-25 >>>
Pickle Factory’s connection to a vast community of local, national and international artists and partners allows us to curate a range of performances, workshops, discussions and exploration opportunities that offer a pluralism of experiences, expressions and access both live and digital. We design experiences through which audiences can approach and encounter work originating from movement artists and the trained, moving, performing body, very often in specifically chosen re-purposed spaces.
We CURATE programmes for practitioners to show and share their work and values through performances, workshops, discussions, demonstrations, interactions, and more.
We CATALYSE artistic ideas and connections by offering safe and inspiring spaces to exchange and experiment; create and respond to challenges and provocations; and deepen training and practice.
We CULTIVATE interested, invested, and intersecting communities around dance practice by imagining stimulating arts engagement programmes; working with partners on sector development, support, and advocacy; and forging relationships between dance and any other fields willing to explore with us.
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