Leaping signifies joy, faith, enthusiasm, abandon, imagination, risk, courage – perhaps a little danger – and a lot of fun. It asks us to push down on the solid earth we stand on and take off into the air, trusting that we will find land again – perhaps in the same place we left, perhaps somewhere else. We do not know. To leap is to suspend ourselves in possibility, to de-tether ourselves from the familiar and launch into what we may not have experienced before. It is a moment of freedom.
Leaping involves our entire selves, and propels us into movement, time and space – the basic components that make dance happen.
LEAP! – Pickle Factory Season 4 invites you to explore space, time, body, and movement with a range of artists through a range of experiences in a range of different ways.
Come – take a chance on dance !

Scroll down to our complete calendar, or explore week by week.

10-11 February 2024
Kolkata Centre for Creativity

Leap Into the opening weekend to engage closely with performances, talks and workshops featuring artists and guests from India, the UK, Finland and Germany.


Breaking Points – contemporary dance workshop with Prashant More (Goa)
Producing Dance – workshop for artists, administrators, presenters with Nelson Fernandez (London)
Roundtable on artistic research and process with Stephanie Thiersch (Cologne)
Johnny Got His Gun  – contemporary performance from Helsinki, with
pre-performance discussions on various related topics

16-18 February 2024
Newtown Community Zone

Leap Through spaces that do not know dance and claim them with movement and joy through particpatory and site specific performances with artists from India and Austria.


Hear and Now and Rhythm and Intoxication – interactive performances by cie Laroque (Salzburg)
Back to the Streets – open jam by the dance community of the city
Everything is Potentially Something Else – site specific performance created with city dancers and choreographed by Prashant More (Goa) and Somya Kautia (Mumbai)

2-3 March 2024
Goethe-Institut Kolkata

Leap Out to support a showcase of new work from emerging Indian artists along with discussions on their motivations and concerns. 


Performances –
Bhasha – The Language by Pintu Das (Calcutta)
Nerpala by Dileep Chilanka (Kasaragod)
Nasadiya – The Menadering Energy by Kankana Singh & Parna Chakraborty (Calcutta)
Asymptomatic by Abhay Mahajan (Mumbai)
Open Table – discussion forum to imagine the futures of our dance ecologies
Coffee Klatch – solution-centric conversations between stakeholders in the arts

15-16 March 2024
G. D. Birla Sabhagar

Leap Across cultures, forms and borders to enjoy physical theatre and contemporary bharatnatyam by internationally known artists from India and Denmark.


Walk-Man – physical theatre performance by Don Gnu (Aarhus)
Past Forward – solo performance by Mallika Sarabhai (Ahmedabad)
workshops for dancers, performance artists and students by Don Gnu and Mallika Sarabhai

Kolkata Centre for Creativity
Arts Forward
At The Still Point
Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan, Kolkata
Sanskriti Sagar

Programme Partners

Embassy of Finland in India

Workshop and Session Partners
Anuchintan Arts Centre
Dancers’ Guild

Ek Tara
Dakshini Prayash

Glenburn Penthouse
TRI Art and Culture

Hospitality Partners
Honorary Consulate of Finland in Kolkata

Paramita Saha
Vikram Iyengar
Embassy of Austria in India
Danish Cultural Institute
Accord Charitable Trust

Touring Partners
Arthshila Santiniketan
International Theatre Festival of Kerala, Thrissur
Attakalari Centre for Movement Arts, Bangalore
Honorary Consulate of Finland in Bangalore

Vikram Iyengar

Paramita Saha

LEAP Out Jury
Paramita Saha
Preethi Athreya

Raka Maitra

Creative Producer
Dana Roy

Weekend Coordinators
Vikram Iyengar

Adrijaa M. Majumder
Paramita Saha
Srijaini Ghosh
Dana Roy

Amlan Chaudhuri
Srijaini Ghosh

Teesta Brahma

Signature Films
Kunal Chakraborty

Sahitya Dutta

Priyadarshini Chitrangada

Dana Roy
Utansa Mansata
Arya Bhattacharya
Adrija Samal
Paramita Saha

Special Reels
Adrija Samal

Administration and Finances
Jayati Chakraborty

Adrijaa M. Majumder
Sohini Dalal

Anushka, Manjima, 
Sharanna, Srestha