Join the movement - become a Pickle Pal for 2024-25!

A big thank you to our 2023-24 Pickle Pals from all over India. Your contributions enabled us to deliver 39 programmes featuring 80 artists and guests from India and abroad across 5 projects including a full-length Season spanning 6 weeks (see adjacent video). The programmes brought together diverse audiences and participants in spaces as varied as arts venues, under flyovers, people’s homes and gardens, schoolrooms, terraces, and book fairs. Thank you for joining the Pickle Factory movement, and being such a supportive part of our expanding dance-curious community!
As we approach our 7th birthday on 12 July 2024 we renew our commitment to imagine and implement more and more ways to bring the arts and communities together, and support our dance ecologies into the future. We also approach you to renew – or make for the first time – a contribution to help us do so.
Introducing our revamped Pickle Pal Programme for 2024-25!

donate anything between Rs. 2,000 to Rs. 5,000
the cost of a dinner with friends
help cover our administrative overheads for a year

donate anything between Rs. 20,000 to Rs. 50,000
the cost of a quick weekend getaway
support one of our programmes for the year

Would you like to invest in our big dream of creating a permanent dance and community venue in a repurposed space in Calcutta?
Click here to know more about this exciting vision, and join us on the journey.

And if you would like to contribute with anything else – time, resources, space, expertise… – please do drop us a line. / @PickleFactoryIndia on Facebook and Instagram

Questions about our eligibility to receive donations? Click here.

What will you be supporting in 2024-25?

  1. Our series of workshops for educational NGOs such as Dakshini Prayash
    Facilitated by Indian and international artists and educators, these 4-5 day workshops open up the world of the arts to young students as well as build bridges between practicing artists and teachers working on art integration practices.
  2. @Home – a sampling of art, dance, music and food hosted by and for Kolkata’s art lovers
    Co-curated with our partners Hamdasti and Ponder Alt, this bimonthly series takes artists into the cosy comfort and hospitality of peoples’ homes, where small audiences can meet artists up close and delve into their processes and work.
  3. Spaces for Practice – opportunities for dancers to keep growing
    These intensive and self-reflective residencies mentored by established artists from India and abroad introduce and encourage new ways of doing, making and thinking about movement. These unique experiences are aimed at building capacity for practising dancers and dance teachers to help them think through questions and develop their own critical and choreographic voices.
  4. Dance Appreciation Workshops
    Designed and facilitated by dance critic Kathakali Jana, these workshops open up the world of dance to diverse dance-curious demographics in enjoyable and accessible ways. 
  5. Pickle Factory Season 5
    Our annual flagship Season in early 2025 offering a host of exciting performances, workshops, and engagements. This time we are working to host artists and guests from India (of course), Scotland, Luxembourg, and Germany.

Our full plans and programmes for 2024-25 will be announced in July 2024.

What do we offer you?

  1. Acknowledgments on our website and Pickle Pal related communication during projects like the Season, and during particular programmes you choose to support
  2. A brief quarterly email report with specifics on what your support has allowed us to do
  3. Priority booking for all our public programmes (and the option of nominating someone if you are unable to make it)
  4. An annual report and little gift at the end of the year
  5. Our heartfelt thanks for being a stakeholder in this journey of sharing the joy, energy and sensorial experience of dance with everyone

Our Compliance Status

  • Pickle Factory Dance Foundation, Calcutta is a not-for-profit company registered under Section 8 of The Companies Act, 2013 (CIN: U74999WB2017NPL221868).
  • We are registered as an NGO eligible for donations with the Indian  government with Unique NGO ID WB/2021/0292010and
  • We are registered with the Ministry for Corporate Affairs for undertaking CSR activities with registration number CSR00062236.
  • Donations to Pickle Factory Dance Foundation are tax exempt under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act.

Thank you to our growing number of Pickle Pals and Patrons, 2024-25 from Calcutta, Mumbai, Bangalore, Santiniketan, Delhi, Hyderabad and Chennai!
Aishika Chakraborty, Sujoy Prasad Chatterjee, Ayan Sen, Sameera Iyengar, T. V. Srinivasan, Sujata Srinivasan, Neela Ghose, Sanjay Roy, Anoushka Kurien,
Katy and Sumit Lai Roy, Urmimala Sarkar Munshi, Katie Dalal. Nayana Gangooly, Toral Shah, Sarika Misra, Mukulita Ganguly, Yashoda Thakore, Minoo Daryanani,
Mukul Agarwal, Nilanjana Gupta, Ranjana Dave, Aaron Fernandes, Arundhati Ghosh, Preethi Athreya, Rashmi Dhanwani, Sharanya Chattopadhyay, Sandhya Apte

A shout out to our 2023-24 Pickle Pals from Calcutta, Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi, Santiniketan and Chennai!
Shayori Mitra, Sujoy Prosad Chatterjee, Madhushree Basu, Sanjay Roy, Toral Shah, Nayana Gangooly, Urmimala Sarkar Munshi,
Preethi Athreya, Lata Devi Bajoria, Anushka Kurien, Gautam Chakraborti, Mukul Agarwal, Menaka Rodriguez, Pratiti Basu Sarkar, Amit Roy,
Piyal Bhattacharya, Diya Naidu, Aishika Chakraborty, T. V. Srinivasan, Sharmila Biswas, Sandhya Apte, Paula Sengupta,
Suleena Sapra, Narthaki Official, Katie Dalal, Minoo Daryanani, Mandeep Singh Raikhy, Damayanti Lahiri, Mukulita Ganguly,
Rashmi Dhanwani, Priyadarshini Chitrangada, Sarika Misra, Katy and Sumit Lai Roy